Style Menu

Fonts (Style Menu)

The Fonts dialog in the Style menu lets you control the appearance of different sections of reports. 

1) Use [Tab] to move to different sections of the dialog. 
2) Use the up/down arrow keys to move within any particular section of reports, such as from Main Title to Column Titles.
3) To change the font, choose which section of Grade Machine's reports you want to modify by selecting that section from the list on the left hand side of the dialog. 
4) Then, choose the Font, Font Style, and Size settings you want applied to that section of reports.
5) The Table Body font is used in most places for Grade Machine's on-screen font, as well as for the bodies of tables on reports.

CAUTION: If you choose a font that is too large, some text may be cut off from the right edge of Individual reports.


(1) The Font and Size settings of the Column Titles and Possible Points sections of reports cannot be changed directly, because these must be the same as the Table Body settings. 

(2) To change their Font and Size settings, you must change the Table Body settings. 

(3) To do so, choose Table Body from the left hand section of the Fonts dialog. 

(4) Then, select the desired font and font size. 

Column Widths (Style Menu)

1) Use the Column Widths dialog in the Style menu to adjust the pixel count of different columns in Grade Machine. 
2) You may never need to use the Column Widths dialog, since you can adjust column widths directly by dragging the column heading dividers.
3) You can use the Column Widths dialog to adjust the widths of the various columns in the Students, Assignments, and Scores windows. 
4) This enables you to adjust column widths precisely to the nearest pixel. 
5) To adjust the width of a column, type the new column width in the appropriate input field. 
6) If you want to adjust the column widths for a different window, click on the down-arrow button to the right of the word Window. 
7) Then choose the desired window from the list box.
8) The column widths as shown on the screen will directly affect similar column widths on reports. 
9) For example, if you are finding that the Points Possible table heading is being cut off on reports because the column is not wide enough, you should widen the Points column in the Assignments window.
10) Also, the width of the scores columns in the Scores window will determine not only the width of the similar columns on reports, but also the width of columns of statistics, e.g., the Class Average column of a table.

NOTE: If you see number signs #... in your printed reports, then your columns are probably too narrow.

Individual Report Prefs (Style Menu)

The Individual Report Prefs dialog in the Style menu allows you to choose whether certain information is included in Individual, Summary, and Multi-Class Reports. 

1) For example, this dialog allows you to create Post Scripts for reports

2) Omit the assignment table from reports, and 

3) Set up reports so that only missing assignments will be included.

NOTE: Not all options in the Individual Report Preferences dialog affect the printing of Summary reports or Multi-Class reports. These options are discussed below:

4) For Summary reports: 

a) The only option in this dialog that matters is the Use Tables for Summaries checkbox. 

b) All the other options are related to information that never appears on Summary reports. 

5) For Multi-Class reports, all options in this dialog are important, with two exceptions: 

a) The One Report Per Page option is ignored, since each student's Multi-Class report always begins on a new page, and 

b) The Reserve __ Lines settings are ignored.

c) If the checkboxes next to Comments and Notes, Attendance Totals, or Attendance Dates are checked, the comments and attendance information will be printed in full on Multi-Class reports, with no extra blank lines.

General Report Prefs (Style Menu)

The General Report Prefs dialog in the Style menu allows you to choose whether or not certain statistics should be included in reports, how student names should appear, margins for reports, and whether zeroes should be counted as missing assignments.

The parts of the Style/General Report Prefs dialog are described below:

Include in Reports

1) Checkboxes allow you to include or exclude several assignment characteristics from reports, such as Points Possible, Weights, and Adjusted Points Possible. 
2) Likewise, a variety of class-wide statistics may be included or excluded: Class Average (Mean), Maximum & Minimum, Median, and Standard Deviation. 

Print Reports in

1) You can choose the language in which you'd like to print your reports. 
2) Grade Machine will not translate words and phrases that you have entered, i.e., Category names, Student IDs, Notes, Comments, etc. They will appear in reports just as they were entered. 
3) The language feature only controls certain key-words and phrases on reports: the words and phrases that are not user-definable through dialogs. 
4) For example, in the table of scores on a Group Report, the Name column heading will change according to the language you have selected. 
5) But the Misc. 1 column heading will not automatically change because it is controlled by your settings in the Style/Student Data dialog. 

Show Student Names

1) If you select First then Last, then each student's name will be reversed when printed on reports, so that the part of the name after the comma will be printed first. This depends on your having entered student names in the Last, First format in the Students window. For example, if you have entered Horse, Charlie as a name in the Students window, and if you have checked First then Last in the General Report Preferences dialog, then reports will show Charlie Horse. 

2) If you have selected Last then First, then reports will show names in the same format that you've entered them into the Students window, e.g., Horse, Charlie.

Count Zeroes as Missing Assignments

The Count Zeroes as Missing Assignments checkbox controls whether zero scores, including Special Scores with a designated value of 0%, will be counted the same as missing assignments, in the following situations:

1) if you select Students with ___ or more missing assignments from the Report menu's dialogs, or
2) if you check Missing Assignments Only in the Style menu's Individual Report Prefs dialog.

Report Margins

1) Please note that the margins you enter here will be added to any minimum margins that are built into your printer. 

2) For example, if your printer won't print any closer than 0.25 inches to the left edge of the page, i.e., in normal Portrait orientation, and you enter a left margin of 0.5 inches, then the resulting left margin will be 0.75 inches, which is suitable for hole-punching reports to put into a binder. 

3) A right margin of 0 inches means the report will print as close to the right edge of the page as the printer will allow which is usually about 0.25 inches. 

4) Likewise, any top or bottom margin you specify will be added to the 0.5 inches top or bottom margin that many printers require.

NOTE: If you want to change the report's orientation on the page, e.g., from Portrait to Landscape, or if you need to change the paper size, go to the Print Setup option of the File menu.

Screen Prefs (Style Menu)

The Screen Preferences dialog in the Style menu controls what grade is displayed in the Grade column of the Scores window. 
1) This dialog also allows you to set the Safety Factor and 
2) to choose if a warning appears when a score is changed.

Grade to Display
This option controls the Grade column that is displayed just to the right of the student names in the Scores window. 

1) If you select None, then the Grade column will be eliminated from the Scores window. 

2) This can speed up Grade Machine considerably, since large classes take some time to re-calculate grades whenever there is any change that affects grades, such as a change in the grading scale.

Overall Summary
1) If you select Overall Summary, then the overall summary grade will be displayed in the Scores window. 
2) This combines all assignment categories and all grading periods.

Grading Period
1) Select the Grading Period option, and 

2) Choose the correct Grading Period from the list box, if you'd like the Scores window to show the grade for a particular grading period.

Select Category if you want the Grade column to display the grade for a particular assignment category in a particular grading period.
The Grade to Display option actually affects four areas of Grade Machine:
1) the Grade column in the Scores window,
2) student tallies in the Grading Scale dialog,
3) sorting by rank in the Sort Students dialog,
4) and the Students with percentages less/more than options in the Report menu's dialogs.

Student Data (Style Menu)

The Student Data dialog in the Style menu allows you to control which student information is included in reports.

Assignment Data (Style Menu)

The Assignment Data dialog in the Style menu allows you to control which assignment information is included in reports.
The parts of the Style/Assignment Data dialog are described below:

Include in Report

Assignment Description
Check this checkbox to include the Assignment Description name of assignments on reports.

Determines whether the information contained in the Miscellaneous field from the Assignments window will appear on reports.

Assignment Number
Determines whether a sequential number, i.e., 1, 2, 3, ... etc., appears in front of each assignment on reports.

Determines whether each assignment's category name is included on reports.

Key to Special Scores
Check this box to include a list of Special Scores on reports.

Misc. Column Title
Fill in the Misc. Column Title with any description you wish, such as Date/Pages.

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